Thursday, 9 June 2011

Mr Pinchy Pants: The Interior Designer...

I was pretty disappointed with my first ever blog, to be honest. So, here I go, with number 2.

Mr Pinchy Pants has settled in rather well, I have had him for a couple of months now, he has grown from about the size of a Lip Smackers lip balm to the size of a...(here i am looking around my flat for something that is roughly the same size, 10 minutes later...) well, lets just say he's a lot bigger than that now lol. He has gone from eating 2 peas a day to eating about 15, on top of the fish food he cleans up that Zebbie and RaRa don't eat... and when he sheds he digs himself a little cave, whether it is under my skulls, or under the big sunken ship in the bottom of my tank and disappears, sometimes for a week or so. Gives the poor fish some peace.

I know when he is about to shed, because he will fill in his old "cave", which usually entails him burying half my tank ornaments, and then makes himself a new cave, at which time he buries more of my tank ornaments. I am trying to get more pictures of my tank to post for you guys but I only have my phone (which is crap) apparently my dinosaur laptop cannot comprehend my memory card from my's too much to handle and my laptop protests by freezing and then subsequently turns itself off..... (note to self: guess who is getting a new computer of ANY description at tax time :) I am thinking maybe a tablet? Suggestions anyone? I don't want to spend a fortune lol).

So anyway, back to Mr Pinchy Pants..... on any given day I can turn to the tank and here he will be, carting the stones off the bottom of the tank from one place to another, one by one, until he builds himself his new little man cave.... (another quick question fellow yabby owners, where the hell does their shedded shell go?! I saw his first one he shed and they all seem to vanish. Do they break down over time or is he just burying them in the rocks?)

As I turn to the tank right now, I can tell you he has pulled one of the fake plants out and it is floating around the top of the tank....I just fed him so there are peas in various stages of becoming waterlogged and sinking (btw, you should see Mr Pinchy Pants either a) trying the climb the glass when they don't sink and/or b) trying to jump off the sunken ship to catch peas lol), he has a pea in each claw, plus one he's holding onto with his feeders ( I don't know if that is the technical term for them, but they are the little arms he shovels food into his mouth with).  Any day now I expect to get home to him having cut the pump hose with his claws ha ha, it is bound to happen.

I have just discovered his new cave and I am a little bit worried that he hasn't left enough support for the pirate skulls it is under :S (Guess who's other half is coming over on the weekend to get the yabby out of the tank so I can fix it before he crushes himself to death?) Mr Pinchy Pants has literally taken all the rocks away from under this thing to the glass bottom.... and now I will be worrying about waking up to him having killed himself with a giant pirate skull bubble thingy ( am I getting good with all these technical words or what?!).

Ok, I am starting to babble a bit now, so I will finish up. I have been thinking that aside from blogging about Mr Pinchy Pants Shenanigans, I will also include my zebra fish Zebbie and RaRa and also friends and family's pets who are particularly hilarious. Please feel free to let me know any suggestions, advice or thoughts you all have, thanks for wasting a few minutes of your life on me waffling on!

1 comment:

  1. He eats the shells Haylee, hermit crabs do the same thing.
