So a few weeks ago the filter in my fishtank (excuse the language) shat the tin and each passing day has meant me procrastinating about cleaning the tank. My main excuse was that it needed to be a weekend and I would need my other half to come and take Mr Pinchy Pants out of the tank (because I am a big wuss).
I am pleased to announce that today was the day! My fiance spent the whole afternoon cleaning the tank, I mean he took absolutely everything out of the tank, including the stones, handwashed absolutely everything and lovingly set everything back into it, much better than I ever could. He stood there for a while smoothing out the stones and placing all my ornaments in. I am so appreciative for the HOURS it took.... I did also remind him not to be too podantic about it, because as we know, Mr Pinchy Pants is quite the interior designer and not 1 hour into being in the freshly cleaned tank he started moving stones around...
I have taken pictures but I have to get to a computer that doesn't have a coronary everytime I put my memory card in it, can't wait to post them for you guys.
I am going to change things up a bit tonight and introduce a couple of my other pets, who are all as individual and wacky as Mr Pinchy Pants, and are all capable of shenanigans of their own.
I have already told you guys about Zebbie and Rara, my extremely tough, fairly overweight zebra fish, who live with Mr Pinchy Pants and give me endless enjoyment as they taunt Mr Pinchy Pants and have competitions with each other as to who can swim closer to him... the bubbles in my tank tonight were pushing bits of Mr Pinchy Pants' peas up to the top of the tank and floating around, and just like Dory out of Finding Nemo, Zebbie would grab that pea everytime, realise what it was and spit it back out. I swear he did it 5 or 6 times before he swam off and got distracted by something else...
Sitting here now watching them ( I also moved the location of the tank today so I can pretty much look at it and type without having to turn my head 180 degrees exorcism style), even though Pinchy Pants has peas on the bottom of the tank, he is adamant on trying to scale the side of the tank for the outer casings floating on the surface (that to be honest I cannot be bothered fishing out, meh, I'll do it tomorrow!)
My mind is ultimately filled with thoughts of , "what the hell will the yabby move and pull out by the time I get up in the morning", and, "is the stand I have my tank on stable enough in case one of the illegal immigrants I am harbouring at the moment jumps on it in the middle of the night (the whole illegal immigrants thing is a story for another time)"
Gah, well, that's enough for tonight guys. See u next time :)
Haha I still can't get over the fact you have a yabby who eats peas.
ReplyDeleteEven my son won't eat peas!